The Frog that Could Kill Codelco’s Plans in Ecuador

The Longnose Harlequin: the frog that could kill Codelco’s plans in Ecuador Coming on the heels of the devastating Comptroller General’s findings on the Llurimagua mining concession; formerly known as Junin, the national Ombudsman’s Office has just released an 88 … Continue reading

Noticias desde Chile sobre reporte de controlaria ecuatoriana en contra de Codelco.

Fuente: / El Mercuro Borrador de esa institución advierte que habría faltas como la ausencia del detalle del plan de inversiones, así como explicitar el modelo de negocios detrás de la iniciativa. Publicado el 29 de enero del 2019Compartir: (El Mercurio) Una nueva dificultad … Continue reading

An unprecedented legal victory for indigenous rights in Ecuador frees up huge swath of Amazonian rain forest from gold mining

On October 22nd 2018, the Kofan people of Sinangoe in the Ecuadorian Amazon won a landmark legal battle to protect the headwaters of the Aguarico River, one of Ecuador’s largest and most important rivers. Source: The court has nullified 52 … Continue reading